Saturday, July 21, 2012

They Grow Fast...

Here at ABC school they do Graduation for the little ones real big.  T had his end of school show and graduation and we were super proud of him.  Even the Head Master of the school congratulated him on how well he's progressed in his French.  I'm blown away as well.  If I can catch him on video I'll share.  It's actually super cute when he and E play and they do it in French.

Here's some pics for you...

After the show they have a fair for the kids...

 So dashing in his cap and gown. :)

E had an "end of year show" too at Kid's Club.  She showed off all the things she'd been doing through the year in her Gym, Music, and Art half day pre-pre-school...

Wow, T is already in First grade next year and E is in Preschool.  Time sure flies!  I'm excited to see what the Monaco schools have in store for them.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Little Man isn't so Little...

Well, so many things to tell and they all keep getting backed up on my "to do" list.  But, one must decide which to tell first, and for me it's all about the kidoos.

T turned six last Friday and here's a peek at all the fun....

It's difficult to have a B-Day in France in the summer.   EVERYONE leaves on holiday.  It's like when NYers all head to the Hamptons for the summer.  But, we had a nice turnout anyway and had a blast in the park.  I hired a party person through to entertain the kids, such a good idea!

There was face painting, sack racing, egg racing, parachute kid catching, Simon Says, and of course, balloon swords.

oops, where's the egg?

T helps E with Simon Says...

We happened to have major winds in Nice that day so we couldn't get the candles to light.  So....we tried the next best thing...

Happy Birthday T!!  You make me smile everyday and I'm so hapy you chose us!  Hugs  XOXO

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