Saturday, January 29, 2011

And the Adventure Begins...Dec 1st, 2010

So James and I planned to live in Nice, France for the winter (to try it out) and then if happy, come back, pack up and move permanently after our lease in NYC ended.  After a cold and snowy winter last year I was all for a few months in the South of France.  Who would in their right mind say no to a husband whisking the family off to pastries, coffee in outdoor cafes and afternoon strolls on the beach?  It would be a financial risk since I would most likely not be able to work, but it was only three months.  So, I said bye to my agents, friends, and family, pulled Taylor out of Preschool, got the dog a Pet Passport, found a renter for our apartment, packed as minimally as I could and off we flew.

Just in time actually since major snow storms followed right behind us and have blanketed NY nonstop in feet and feet of snow!

Then December 15th-ish James comes to me and says..."I have an about you stay out here with the kids and I go back in March to pack the house.  No sense in the kids and the dog going through the flight again if they don't have to."  He really likes his curveballs!

And so the adventure truly begins...stay tuned.  :)

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