Friday, January 21, 2011

Opening Remarks....the Backstory

Hello folks and welcome.  James came to me about a year ago and said..."Maybe we should move to France."  You see his dad had sold his house in London and was moving to a sunnier climate.  James always has the itch to move around but I was happy in New York.  I was a commercial actress and print model and doing quite well.  Not many of us can do that and not supplement with a waiting or bar tending job. I was comfortable and scared to leave a job I loved doing and move across the world to a place where I didn't speak the language.  And the French are very particular about their language.  

But the idea was intriguing and I had always wanted to live in Europe, although I never really thought it could become a reality.  Thank you stars for sending James my way!  Finally I relented and gave in, not that it was that hard to do.  Sometimes you just have to decide that life is more important and the world is a big wonderful place that should be seen and experienced.  

So, here we are.  As of December 1st we are living in Nice, France.  And no, I still don't know the language.  Which proves very frustrating at the grocery store when I can't find the right kind of deodorant.

I decided to share my experience with anyone who wants to have a peek into my life, or to simply do a bit of a vicarious traveling.  I'll share our trips to fun villages, cities, other countries, the markets, a simple grocery store run gone bad, as well as the pressures and the fun of life as an Expat.  There will be videos, photos, and sometimes just plain text.  I have a bit of a backlog to get the story straight, so bare with me as I get the old video edited and start from the beginning.

Soon....promise.  When you get a minute come back.  Promise there will be fun things to see.

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