Saturday, September 24, 2011

School Updates...

E...coming along excellently.  
After a rocky first week in her half day French pre-pre-school, she is now queen of the class at the end of the second week.  She whimpers ever so slightly when we part, but joins in with all the activities and seems to have a great time.  They say she even comprehends them without a problem.  That's what you get when you watch hours of French cartoons each day. :)  (Merci to "Little Einsteins", "Dora and Diego", and "Jake and the Pirates" en Francaise for helping out!)

The teachers even took some video to prove it to me, so I'm sharing it with you....enjoy...

Ahhh, less tears and more smiles.  A much better ending than the first video, don't you agree??  

T...coming along very well.  His teacher says he's doing great and seems to comprehend everything.  Although, I have trouble comprehending her, so I'm pretty sure that's what she said. :)  

I wonder about the "everything" part, but do believe he gets at least 80% of what's being said in class.  And he's communicating with other kids really well too.  He understands a lot of what they say to him in French and he's even coming out with some French of his own.  Every once in a while he throws out a sentence.  Summer tutoring has definitely paid off for him!  And lucky for him, he has a couple friends in his school that also speak English fairly well so he does get a break here and there. 

Me....coming along.  Little by little my brain is actually accepting this French language and it's strange sentence structure.  I'm now able to sound more like a 3 year old than a 2 year old.  There is hope for me yet!

End note...I'm super proud of them!  They really are taking the big change all in stride.  I'm soo amazed at the strength and flexibility in kids.  Now I can use my cafe time to study my French rather than worry about the little peanuts. :)  

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ahhh, It's Scarf Tiiiiiiime...

Well, Sunday marked the first day the boys had to put on a pair of jeans since the Spring. So, we took a pic to mark the date.  

 And that day ended with the most amazing sunset that I wanted to share with you...all these pics are from the same night...

And now, it's the 22nd of September, the first day of Fall.  We're having the most wonderful Indian Summer, like the ones I grew up with.  I think I would say it's my favorite season.  NYC hasn't seen a real Indian Summer for some years and I've missed it!  The cool mornings and evenings are great, but you still get summer in the afternoon, enough to throw the shorts back on or take a plunge in the sea, so it's not such a shock to see the summer going.  

But, as much as I hate seeing Summer slowly fade, it makes me excited because... I mark it as "Scarf Season."  I love the way the French wear their scarves so well and so proudly.  So, J and I have joined in.....

Amazing how a scarf can make a simple t-shirt more interesting.  I can wear my ordinary white or black t and with a scarf I instantly feel fashionable.  The way some people collect bags, I've started collecting scarves! 

So, if you're feeling a little dull, throw on a pretty scarf and be French for the day. :)

Friday, September 16, 2011

She Speaks....

So now that the kiddies are tucked back into school, I've started the long trek of learning the language.

We really liked the tutor who worked with T, so we kept her on to work with me.  She's also started with Grandpa and is doing some advanced work with J.  It's like she's our own personal French tutor.  

I've had two lessons already and am quite pleased with what I know.  And, overwhelmed with all that I do not.  This language is tough!!! 

Every lesson is an eye opener.  Today, for instance, I learned.....I told my agent that HE'S hot, not the weather, I called a dog owner's puppy a piece of poop, and I asked someone if they wanted to have an orgasm with me rather than did he want to play.  Now more educated, I'm thankfully he did not take me up on the offer. 

I'm looking forward to my lessons and being freer with communicating.  It can be soooo frustrating not being able to get a simple question or point across, let alone show someone my humor or intelligence.  I understand better what new immigrants struggling with English go through in America.  

Here's a little peek at some of the summer's tutoring.  T certainly improved his comprehension by leaps and even throws out some sentences of his own here and there. I wonder If I'll get to make fun craft projects too?

Making crepes... 
Making a cadeau for mommy...
Making the eye balls game... 
Tossing the eyeballs....
Wearing the eyeballs.  Gosh, who knew eyeballs were so fun and educational!
Bowling the plastic bottles.
Pick up that spare!
Don't think I get it this easy!  

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

First Day of School....

Well this week it was E's turn to hit the books.  Well, in her case it was hit the padded walls and play kitchen set.  But thankfully, no books to cover in plastic for her!!

As much as we talked about her being in the classes without mommy and as much as she felt she was ready, it may have been a bit harder on her own than she thought.  All in all it wasn't a total disaster, but tears were shed....

All smiles going in...
Making mommy some breakfast before mommy goes...

I don't know who it was harder for, her or me.  

I'm told by the ladies that she does settle and play in each room (gym, art, music), but has trouble when they change rooms and teachers.  The next day wasn't much better, but they promise me she will get along fine soon.  Fingers crossed.  

The bright side is, she always says she wants to go back.  Will keep you posted.....

(An update video two weeks later...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fun Fair....

It's sooo kid friendly around here.  It seems every town has a carousel and some carnival type rides or something for the kids to enjoy.  During Christmas, Nice had this "Fun Fair"-as the kids and I have titled it.  We took full advantage of it then with T, and even Emm got to do some of the activities but was still too small for others.  

NOW... here during the summer it's back!  Sooooo, we had a "Fun Fair" day last week before they packed it up and the kids went back to school.  Boy did the kids have fun; it's amazing how far 20 euros will go.  I've finally edited a little video for you to enjoy it with us...

Can't wait for the Christmas one to come back.  That was fun!!

(We just got back from a weekend in Asti, Italy for their annual wine and food festival.  I'll post pics and video once I wade through all the megabytes!....stay tuned.... ) 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Je ne comprends pas....

Well, I just spent three hours covering Taylor's plastic covered school workbooks with plastic.  Does this strike anyone else as mad?? 

He came home with these 5 books in his backpack after the first day and said some were supposed to stay home.  That's all I got.  And he didn't know which ones.  I searched his backpack for a note, that must have fallen off them, telling me just what exactly to do with these books.   None.

The next day they remained in his backpack.  I finally asked the teacher if some were to stay at home or do they come home with him everyday.  (I didn't remember any of this from the brief attendance of last year.)  And eventually the French teacher (who doesn't speak any English) and I work it out that they are to be covered in a plastic covering.

Whhyyyyy?  It's not like these need to be returned at the end of the year.  

James said that it seemed just like the French to just keep sending them home without a note as a way of simply saying..."Do something with these.  I'm not going to tell you what, you'll have to figure that one out yourself."  Oh, and this is a European custom.  I shrug my shoulders at whhyyyyy.  I mean, the covers of these books are already coated in plastic.  And in reality, who gives a fuss if the edges get worn.  Certainly not the five year olds working in them.  I finished ranting, and then spent three hours meticulously wrapping each one like a prized Christmas present.

Don't they look beautiful!!

And then to top off the evening, the English teacher (that just started on Monday!) has quit.  I soooo wonder the real reason why.  I'm guessing it's a bit to do with American versus French customs.  They're VERY different and can be hard on we sensitive, overly nice Americans.  :)

Can't wait to see who takes her place when school resumes tomorrow.

Wonder if I'll get a "good job" sticker for my plastic coverings.  One can only hope.....

Just to make you smile.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Back to School.....

Well, today was T's first day back at ABC School.  He has a lovely American English teacher who gave him stickers for good English (I think more for participation), and a great French teacher.  Friday when we met the teachers at a gathering at the school T said that he was afraid of the French teacher because she had scary hair; at the end of the day today he said she wasn't so scary.  

I don't know how these kids do it.  I'm lost totally when the school's Director or T's French teacher is talking, telling us all about how the year will go and when to pick up or drop off the kids, etc.  I'm super proud of his bravery to just go in and go with the flow, and just a wee bit in awe.  

He went into school smiling, although a bit nervous, but came out happy.  He saw some old friends and seems to have fallen back into the rhythm easily.  It looks like it was a tiring day, but big smiles for momma was a happy sight for me.....

Next week Emm starts her new school, half days at Le Kids Club.  As much as she keeps saying she's ready, it should be an interesting day. Fingers crossed it goes as smoothly.  :)
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