Sunday, December 4, 2011


Well, lots of little things have been happening.  So I thought I'd put all the tidbits together for you.  Life in France... 

First, Emm....she became potty trained this week using the Pee Pee Poopy chart.  I found that when she didn't have a diaper on she would use the toilet when she felt the urge.  Figured this meant she was finally ready.  So...after school we (she more specifically) would go au naturel and when she did something in the toilet she got a treat.  

Weeelllllllll, she's VERY treat oriented and thus found that the more she went the more she got.  Sooooo, in order to save her teeth, the chart was made and when she reached the red star she got her treat.  Now, at the end of the week she doesn't even keep track.  Success!

Way to go E!!
Then, I've been itching to try to make a quiche.  So the other night I went for it.  The tomato is my piece, no one else likes toms in their food but me.  Came out great.  I had always had it in my mind that it would be difficult and it's actually a lot easier than I thought.  Not a very exciting thing to share, but it looked so pretty I just had to. :)

Way to go S!

Next, T has really amazed us all with his progress in French.  I was blown away the first time I witnessed him jump back and forth from English to French.  Now he speaks to his friends in French as well as people he meets if they speak to him in French. (even if he knows they speak English too)   

His comprehension is really doing well and he answers in full sentences.  Now, he isn't fluent yet of course, and he doesn't always understand every word of the sentences being said to him (more of an overall gist sometimes) but I'm proud of him for just getting in there and speaking.  I was worried in the beginning that it may make him less extroverted...not our Taylor. :) 
Way to go T!
Rounding out the team, Daddy had his first experience with running out of dishwasher soap and substituting dish soap.  Ooops!  Hahaha... 

Finally, mommy got an early Christmas pressie so she could make her cafe coffee at home.  Love my new machine!!  A DeLonghi by Nespresso.  Makes espresso, cappuchino, and lattes all by the push of a button! (fresh milk, not the powdered in the capsule kind)  Ahhh, I'm so pampered. :) Either that or J is thinking in the long run he'll save money since a cafe cream is about 3-5 euros at the cafes ($4-$6!).

George Clooney is the spokesperson for Nespresso here in France so fingers crossed he'll drop by for coffee one morning. A girl can dream. :)

The team putting together the capsule holder.
Say hello to my new best friend!

And then we end our days with this...

So there you go.  Just because we live in the lovely South of France, life can still be pretty normal.  The views are just better and the champagne cheaper. :)

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